What to Expect During Your Dental Implant Consultation

January 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkoo @ 5:21 pm
Dentist using model to explain dental implants

Are you contemplating the prospect of replacing your missing teeth with dental implants? The first step on your journey will be a consultation with a qualified dentist or oral surgery team. This visit will serve as the launching point for the many good things to come. But what should you expect during your dental implant consultation? Read this blog post to find a basic overview of what might happen throughout your appointment.

The Initial Conversation

Soon after you arrive at the oral surgeon’s office, you will be greeted by your friendly and knowledgeable care team. They will ask you about your goals for treatment. They may also have some questions about your medical history (you will need to fill out some forms that ask for important health information). Remember to be honest as you are answering questions. Things like smoking, diabetes, and other issues that affect your overall health could have a bearing on the details of your tooth replacement journey.

The Oral Examination

Your dental team will use advanced imaging technology, such as digital X-rays or a CBCT scanner, to capture detailed information about your mouth. The imaging process is fast and painless, and it can give your oral surgeon vital information about the state of your natural teeth and the health of your jawbone.

Your oral surgeon will also visually examine your mouth. With the assistance of a mirror, a probe, and other instruments, they will search for signs of gum disease and other oral health issues that might affect your dental implant treatment.

Treatment Planning

Once your oral surgeon has gathered all the necessary information, they can start planning some details of your treatment. For example, they can give you a rough idea of how long it may take before your new teeth are in place. You will also get a preview of the treatment process in front of you. Usually, the dental implant procedure includes several steps:

  • Preliminary treatment. Some patients need tooth extractions, gum disease treatment, or bone grafts before they can get dental implants.
  • Implant placement surgery. Your implants will be carefully inserted into your jawbone.
  • Abutment placement. Abutments are small attachments that will keep your new teeth attached to your dental implants.
  • Restoration. Your general dentist, prosthodontist, or oral surgeon will attach your beautiful new teeth to your implants.


Bring a list of questions with you to your appointment — your care team wants you to feel confident and well-informed, so they should take time to address anything that is weighing on your mind. Whether you have questions about what the treatment will feel like, its cost, or how to care for your new teeth, do not hesitate to speak up!

Your dental implant consultation is the first step on your path to a new smile. You have good reasons to look forward to your appointment!

Meet the Practice

Piney Point Dental Implant Center is home to three board-certified oral surgeons who have decades of combined experience. If you are thinking about replacing your teeth, they would be happy to answer your questions and help you get started on the path to a new smile. To book a consultation or learn more about our practice, contact our Houston team at 713-597-7340.

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