How Do Dental Implants Work? – Houston, TX

Learn More About the Dental Implant Tooth Replacement Process

Committing to improving your smile’s health and beauty with the transformative power of dental implants is a big decision, but it’s one Dr. Koo hopes you’ll choose to make. Your implants look and function like regular teeth improving quality of life and self-confidence while keeping your oral healthcare routine and diet unchanged. Whether you’re in need of a single dental implant or a full dental implant retained denture, the process of rebuilding lost teeth requires several steps:

  • First, an initial consultation needs to be performed to determine whether you’re a candidate for dental implants. Virtually all patients can receive implants, but many need additional grafting procedures or assistance, so they have adequate jawbone for the placement to be successful.
  • Once initial preparations are completed, the surgical placement of the dental implant(s) within the jawbone is performed.
  • Once the tooth implant(s) are securely in place, patients undergo a significant period of healing before permanent restorations are placed. This time allows implant(s) to osseointegrate (naturally fuse with) the jawbone, allowing both to grow together creating a strong, lasting foundation. The length of healing time patients require depends on the complexity of their case, but it could last anywhere from weeks to months. In the meantime, a temporary restoration limits disruption to everyday life. With All-On-4 dental implant treatment, patients have a customized denture placed on the same day as the placement of their implants, with a more durable prosthetic provided later on.
  • When using two-stage implants, an additional procedure is needed so a small connector, abutment, can be attached to the top of each implant. This important piece is what connects your dental implant to your new restoration.

Finally, your new dental crown, implant-supported bridge or implant-retained denture is created, personalized, and securely attached to the abutment(s) completing your new and improved smile.