How Can You Prevent Dental Implant Failure?

September 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkoo @ 6:37 pm
Smiling middle-aged woman holding toothbrush

According to some estimates, dental implants have a 98% success rate. That is certainly impressive, but it does leave the slight possibility that something will go wrong. How can you increase the chances that your prosthetic teeth will stand the test of time? Here are some tips to help you prevent dental implant failure:

Keep Up with Oral Hygiene

If bacteria accumulate in your mouth, they can invade the tissue around your implants and cause an infection known as peri-implantitis, which is a leading cause of dental implant failure. To prevent this issue, you should have a diligent oral hygiene routine. Be sure to thoroughly brush your teeth twice a day. You should also floss or use an oral irrigator to clean the tight spaces between your teeth. If you have a dental implant bridge, you should also carefully clean beneath it.

Consume a Healthy Diet

Dental implants are strong and durable, so you should feel free to enjoy all of your favorite foods. However, you should also remember that balance and moderation are important. Overindulgence in sugary, sticky, and acidic items could harm your oral health. Try to center your diet on things like lean proteins, fruits and veggies, healthy fats, and whole grains.

You should also make efforts to stay hydrated. Adequate water intake supports saliva production, and saliva is essential for a healthy mouth.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Even if you do not have any natural teeth, you should still make it a habit to visit your general dentist every six months for a cleaning and checkup. They can remove plaque and tartar from your implant restorations and inspect your mouth for any signs of problems. If they identify any developing issues, they can arrange for you to receive treatment ASAP.

Do Not Smoke

Did you know that, according to one estimate, over 80% of smokers have dental problems? This habit is a major risk factor for dental implant failure. It increases the risk of infection and other serious issues. If you are struggling to quit, you should at least cut back on the number of cigarettes you smoke each day.

Tend to Your Overall Wellness

Healthy lifestyle habits can support your smile’s wellness. For example, exercise may reduce the risk of gum disease, so try to stay active. If you have diabetes or another chronic illness, do your best to keep it under control. Minimizing stress can reduce the risk of teeth grinding, which could harm your implants.

Dental implant failure is rare, but it is a possibility. Protect yourself by implementing some simple precautions!

Meet the Practice

Drs. Steve Koo, William Shepard, and Thomas Weil are the board-certified oral surgeons at Piney Point Dental Implant Center. We offer a range of advanced dental implant procedures. We are even able to provide salvage services for individuals who believe they have a failing implant. To learn more about how we may be able to help you enjoy a healthy smile, contact our office at 713-597-7340.

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